Fredrikstad – town hall visit

In front of the RÅDHUSET FREDRIKSTAD KOMMUNE town hall building, Vegard Stavne Anda welcomed the delegation and then introduced them to the individual points of the study tour program. He outlined how citizens participate in the development of the city.

In the meeting room, the delegation was welcomed by the mayor of Fredrikstad, Siri Martinsen, who has been in office since 2021. She briefly presented the history of the city and presented the projects that they would like to implement in the city. This is primarily the location of the former shipyard, which ceased operations in 1988, and now they are planning to build a complex on the entire area, including both apartments and commercial spaces, including complex infrastructure.

This was followed by a presentation by Per-Erik Torp, Head of the Department of Environment and Urban Development. The main topic of all previous and other presenters was the topic of ongoing and planned activities aimed at increasing the number of inhabitants.